Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure

It’s probably not surprising by now that I had a love for choose your own adventure books growing up.  Anything that allowed my brain to exercise its independence and curiosity lead to two thumbs up.  I loved being able to create more than one ending and from an early...


THIS IS ONLY THE START OMAHA Local places/ways to donate @gofundme James Scurlock Family @neleftcoalition Black owned businesses to support in Omaha https:/
There Is No PPE For Mental Health Providers

There Is No PPE For Mental Health Providers

Eight pairs of eyes stared back at me as I asked how the last 40 days of COVID-19 had been. We aren’t kidding when we tell our clients how hard finding the courage to be vulnerable is…It’s hard to practice ourselves. One therapist glanced at the...
Crying In The Bottom Of Your Shower: A COVID 19 Story

Crying In The Bottom Of Your Shower: A COVID 19 Story

We can’t seem to shake the sense of doom and uncertainty that leaves us awake at night or my personal favorite, crying in the bottom of the shower.  We have spent countless hours watching animal videos, laughing so hard you cry over a talking dog (thanks Pluto...
Feeling Check-in

Feeling Check-in

We are talking about parents becoming teachers and teachers connecting remotely.  We are talking about face masks, ventilators, doctors and nurses.  We are talking about toilet paper and hand sanitizer.  We are talking about small business, how to...
My One True Love: My Running Shoes

My One True Love: My Running Shoes

I started running my senior year of high school.  I had avoided running like the plague and dreaded the required P.E. mile run every year. So who knows why I thought running would be for me.  Maybe it was because a college-bound boyfriend broke up with me...
10 Self-Care Ideas

10 Self-Care Ideas

Sunlight- Sometimes just getting out in the sun feels great-Unless you’re my friend Austin in which case-bring on the clouds! The sun tends to lighten up moods and increase energy. Get out in the sun-even in the cold Nebraska weather!Gratitude- Stay grounded. Every...
The Slump

The Slump

We are told we need to have a legitimate reason to feel depressed. But sometimes we don’t have a reason. Sometimes humans can just wake up sad for no good reason. This is when things get tricky. Not having a reason (we also call it a trigger in the therapy world) can...
Loved Ones With Addiction

Loved Ones With Addiction

To say it can be emotionally straining to watch someone you love struggle with addiction would be an understatement.  As the epidemic of addiction continues, we as therapists continue to see more and more family members struggling with what they can do to...
The Dreaded Homework Assignment-Journaling

The Dreaded Homework Assignment-Journaling

So you’ve hit that point in therapy when your therapist asks, “Have you tried journaling?”  Most people avert eye contact, start to fidget and then blurt something out about how they tried it that one time.  For some reason we have created a space within our...