The Secret Sauce To Achieving

The Secret Sauce To Achieving

Motivation. The ability to have the “giddy up and go” attitude and ability. The thing that will see us through hard transitions and help us achieve lofty goals. But what happens when motivation is stripped from us? Depression, illness, a bad night of sleep-all can...
Dun Dun Dunnnn!

Dun Dun Dunnnn!

It has haunted me since grade school. The pull-up. I remember each spring striving so hard to conquer the pull up so that I could finally earn the presidential or national physical-fitness patch, which at the time would have really helped me gain some “cool kid”...


I’m asked often with the change into a new year whether resolutions are helpful or not. While this post could be very lengthy, I’m going to keep it simple. This should be everyone’s 2017 resolution: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,...