Calling on all potential mentors, young and old alike.  As we all get into the swing of a summer routine, it becomes evident once again that the kiddos in our community need to be engaged over the summer.  While there are summer programs, sports camps and STEM outings, we still see kiddos in our office looking for someone or something to help bridge the gap of all the extra time summer provides.  One great and easy way to help with this is to become a mentor!

There are several programs in our community that you can become a part of.  Check some of these out and know there are many more out there!

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands

  • Teammates (off for the summer though)

  • Partnership 4 Kids

  • Midlands Mentoring Partnership

As Father’s Day quickly approaches I can’t help but think of all the male role models that have been a part of my “growing up”….and yes the process is still happening!  Thanks to all that invested in me!

Be Present.  Show up.  Mentor.